Urbs Sacra et Etenus

Matadero: Spanish Slaughterhouse turned Cultural Center

In On the Fringe on July 24, 2011 at 6:49 pm

This post isn’t about Rome, it is about an ex slaughterhouse ‘rehabilitated’ into a cultural center in Madrid. The project reminds me of the Roma Ex-Mattatoio case study from last year. There is a film on Danish site DETAIL that shows a portion of the refurbishment, and some of the shots are pretty cool. I love the scenes of water dripping off the steel and the clips with church bells ringing in the background. The building project is a great mix of old and new, with the new portions crisp and clean lined. The film shows updates that were made on a budget of 700e, so with that in mind the resulting product is pretty amazing. Check out the film and be sure to read the article too.

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